예전에 제 블로그에 올렸던 글인데요 재탕할께요.
How to Capture a Website Screenshot in Linux
1. 필요한 것.
Linux Server with Centos/RHEL
Khtml2Png (http://khtml2png.sourceforge.net)
ImageMagick (http://imagemagick.org)
KDE Desktop Environment
Cmake - http://www.cmake.org
2. 설치방법
yum install Xvfb ImageMagick
yum install firefox
Xvfb :2 -screen 0 1024x768x24&
export DISPLAY=:2
import -window root example.png
Install Basic Tools
yum install gcc gcc-c++ automake autoconf nano zlib zlib-devel
Install KDE desktop environment
yum groupinstall "X Window System" "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"
Install KDE developer libraries
yum install kdelibs kdelibs-devel
Install Xvfb Virtual Frame Buffer
yum install Xvfb xorg xorg-x11-font*
Install Cmake
Cmake is cross plaform make utility. You cannot install using yum so you have to download the source files and compile it.
wget <path/of/cmake.tar.gz>
tar zxf cmake-2.7.1.tar.gz
cd cmake-2.7.1
make install
Install Khtml2PNG
Download the source files from sourceforge.
wget <path/to/khtml2png-2.7.5.tar.gz>
tar xzf khtml2png-2.7.5
make install
마지막으로 ..
Start Xvfb virtual server, then launch the khtml2png to grab a website screenshot
> Xvfb :2 -screen 0 1024x768x24&
> export DISPLAY=localhost:2.0
then run khtml2png2
> khtml2png2 --sw 200 --sh 150 http://www.example.com example.png
--sh and --sw indicates both scaled width and height
khtml 이 정말 단순한 브라우저에요
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